The Only Charter and Dex With a Mobile Application: Fast Trading On The Go

ANON 123
4 min readAug 5, 2021


Why Market Analytics is Becoming the MainStay in Cryptocurrency

DApps that specify market analytics to their users are beginning to gain the spotlight in the cryptocurrency world. This makes sense as an application within this category would allow users to simultaneously spare time that would be otherwise spent towards tedious investment analytics, as well as accelerate the learning process of investing intelligently through critically analyzing the program’s decision making in relation to the success or failure of the resulting outcomes.

An Untapped Market within the Smartphones Sector

However, these types of apps are only as useful as they can be readily used, and the lack of consideration for mobile app allowances for Market Analytic DeApps is frankly astonishing. The astonishment arises when one learns that the global internet usage of mobile phones vs. desktops is 55 and 42%, respectively (with tablets holding the final 3% of usage). Why would mobile phones, once only considered a novelty for easy communication amongst peers, be dominating the electronic market sector? The reality is that the global society throughout the 21st century tends to have progressively fewer time allowances for additional hobbies, one of which may be towards researching the intricacies of how to intelligently invest in the constantly changing world that is cryptocurrency.

The Reality of the 21st Century

Therefore, the time allowed by the community to undergo their extracurricular activities must be accessible whenever they have downtime available, be that while waiting for their morning coffee, in line for a car wash, or during their lunch hours. We at PolyTools know that a large majority of the world’s population fits into this category of minimal time allowances, and that is why we have meticulously created a multifactorial algorithmic market analytics tool for the masses that is readily accessible on anyone’s mobile phone.

While Others Look to Include, PolyTools Seeks to Optimize

Our application is not only downloadable on anyone’s smartphones, its entire mobile creation revolves around being as conducive as possible to the functionalities of one’s smartphone. With PolyTools proprietary RSS input to aggregate news feeds as well as general market movements through buy/sell analytics, our app will simply notify you on your phone once it requires you to make a decision on how to go further in your investments. We, however, have made this functionality assuming one has minimal time to spare, and extensively refined our notifications in a way that is simple to understand and easy to make an intelligent assertion on how to move forward in your trading. If you truly have no time to spare, the PolyTools will, with your permission, undergo automatic trading based on our market decisiveness algorithms to input the most logical investment decisions considering the current market trends.

PolyTools’ Network of Functionalities Sees No Bounds

While this article was to present the ease of accessibility and pragmatism that was ingrained into the makeup of PolyTools, there is a deep cauldron of technology that allows our program to surpass the industry standard for Market Analyzers within the cryptocurrency ecosystem. For an in-depth analysis of how our Market Analytics technology works, look at our article here. However, there is much more to our ecosystem than market analytics, as we strive to create a one-stop shop for the world’s Polygon investors (look to the figure below for a list of upcoming features on PolyTools).

Let us Join Polygon’s Strategic Uprising to the Top

Anyone who’s in this space knows of the exponential rise in use cases and investment opportunities Polygon is providing to crypto investors around the globe. That is why we are working tirelessly to provide our users PolyTools in its completion so that one can maximally leverage our technology to capitalize on the swift uprising of Polygon as it soon takes a seat amongst the top 10 highest valued networks in all of cryptocurrency. To learn more about our mission, see our whitepaper.

